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Climate change - can we fix it? Yes, we #CAN(Bill)

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By Imogen Ford
23 Apr 2024

With a general election around the corner, we urgently need parliamentary candidates to back the Climate and Nature Bill (formerly Climate & Ecology Bill). That’s why we’re supporting our friends over at Zero Hour in their mission to make this happen. 

They’ve recently hit a new milestone too. Labour/Co-Op MP Alex Sobel has reintroduced the Bill with cross-party backing, calling for all politicians to unite for climate and nature, saying: 

“When made law, the CAN Bill will set the UK on a path where we can properly tackle the interconnected climate and nature crises—whilst making sure that no one is left behind in the long-overdue just transition we need. Global emissions are rising. Nature is in peril. So in this pivotal election year, let’s align our climate and nature laws in line with the science—and our international agreements—and deliver the climate and environmental action the public are crying out for.” 

nature bill flappin eck
Remind me, what is the Bill? 

The Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill is a science-led, joined-up plan to address climate change and the destruction of nature, build stronger communities and involve citizens in a cleaner, greener Britain.  

It is still the only proposed legislation before the UK Parliament which would ensure a complete, comprehensive approach to the climate and nature crises. Plus, it’s backed by some other great people like Chris Packham, Deborah Meaden and Baroness Rosie Boycott – so you know it’s the real deal.  

We can't escape the fact that the government has a huge part to play in fixing the current crises we’re facing, so what does the Bill ask? 

If made law, the Bill would ensure that the UK: 

  • Cuts its emissions fairly and play its part to fully limit global temperatures rising past 1.5°C. 

  • Not only stops the destruction of nature by 2030, but also reverses it. 

  • Involves citizens to decide on the best way forward for people and planet. 

The existing Environment Act does offer to halt the decline of nature by 2030, but it doesn’t go any further – whereas the CAN Bill includes a target to reverse the destruction of nature. 

How can you help? 

Tell your election candidates to back the Bill. All you need to do is enter your postcode on the Zero Hour website to find your Constituency Action Page and add your name. It couldn’t be simpler!

Want to go a step further in your fight for the planet? Switch your home energy supply to Ecotricity today and we’ll use the money from your bills to build new sources of green energy ourselves, rather than just using up what’s already out there.

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