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/The legal stuff/Know your rights

The legal stuff

The legal stuff

Know your rights

We always provide the best service we can, and as part of this it’s important that you know your rights as a consumer. For free, independent advice about your energy supply, check out Citizens Advice website or for customers living in Scotland, Advice Direct Scotland.

Get help with an energy problem

You can get help with energy problems including:

  • Issues with your bills or meters

  • Asking for help if you’re struggling to pay for the energy you use

  • Getting the best deal

  • How to make a complaint

England and Wales

Citizens Advice is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support in England and Wales.

Go to or contact the Citizens Advice consumer service on 0808 223 1133. Calls are free.


Advice Direct Scotland is the official source of free and independent energy advice and support in Scotland.

Go to or contact Advice Direct Scotland on 0808 196 8660. Calls are free.

Dog-eared document iconKnow your rights in a changing energy market - England, Wales and Scotland (English) (PDF, 223.7 Kb)